Diversifying your money refers to spreading your investments across different assets or types of investments to help manage risk. The objective of diversification is to reduce risk and optimize returns by not putting all your eggs in one basket. If one investment performs poorly, losses from that investment may be offset by gains in other investments, which can help stabilize the overall performance of your portfolio. Here is what it entails:
Asset Classes: Diversifying across asset classes means investing in different categories of assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities. Each asset class has its own risk-return profile, and they can perform differently under various economic conditions.
Within each asset class, you can further diversify. For example, in stocks, you can invest across different industries (like technology, healthcare, or consumer goods) and company sizes (large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap). In bonds, you can diversify across different issuers (government, corporate) and durations (short-term, intermediate-term, long-term).
Geographical Diversification: Investing in different geographical regions can also help reduce risk. Economic and political factors vary by country or region, so spreading investments globally can reduce exposure to any one country’s specific risks.
Asset Location: This refers to the strategic placement of different types of investments across various account types, such as taxable accounts (e.g., brokerage accounts), tax-advantaged accounts (e.g., IRAs, 401Ks), and tax-exempt accounts (e.g., Roth IRAs). This strategy aims to optimize tax efficiency.
- Taxable Accounts: Investments in taxable accounts may include stocks, bonds, and other assets that generate taxable income (e.g., interest, dividends). Stocks held for the long term (with lower dividend yields) in a brokerage account can benefit from lower capital gains tax rates.
- Tax-Advantaged Accounts: Tax-advantaged accounts offer tax benefits, such as tax-deferred growth. Assets that generate ordinary income (e.g., bonds with high interest payments) held in tax-advantaged accounts help to defer taxes on income.
Goals and Time Horizon: Diversification should be aligned with your investment goals and time horizon. Younger investors with a longer time horizon might have a higher risk tolerance and could potentially allocate more to riskier assets like stocks. Older investors or those nearing specific financial goals might lean towards more stable investments like bonds.
Monitoring and Rebalancing: Regularly monitoring your investments and rebalancing your portfolio is important to remain diversified. Over time, certain investments may outperform or underperform, altering your original asset allocation. Rebalancing involves selling some of the overperforming assets and buying more of the underperforming ones to realign your portfolio with your target asset allocation.